Legacy Family Connect
The Legacy of Legends CDC Inc. (LLCDC) has collaborated with UTHSC, City of Memphis HCD, Rotary-Family Youth Initiative, Memphis Police Department, Ascent Heath Inc, Shelby County Health Department, the faith-based community, schools, and other organizations to help prevent youth arrests, improve long-term health outcomes, and reduce violent crimes among our youth and families by providing training to increase awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
LLCDC has created a comprehensive community project that will use a three-part strategy to significantly reduce ACEs, gang and youth violence, family violence, and poverty in communities across Memphis.
This strategy includes:
(1) ACE-Based Prevention,
(2) Intervention, Treatment, and Response
(3) Supplemental Supportive Response Services.
LLCDC and its project partners will provide preventive education, support, and services within a 2-Generation Framework to empower communities to become trauma-sensitive to help end the multi-generational cycle of poverty and youth and gang violence. LLCDC will utilize the 7Ps (Pastors, Parents, Principals, Police, Politicians, Proprietors, and Partners), community collaboration as part of our evidence-based model to provide direct assistance, treatment, and support to children, youth, and young adults who are experiencing or have been exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences.
The project will help create long-term communities where stakeholders are trauma-aware, youth and gang violence, and family violence are rare, youth and families are making healthy lifestyle choices, where victims receive swift and effective services to help them overcome trauma, and where children, women, and men are safe in their own homes, schools, and community.
This program is designed for youth ages 5-17 and their families.